Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS)

We support newly arrived migrants and refugees who live, work or study in the wider NSW-Victorian border region to become independent and contribute to the Australian community.
We provide free settlement assistance to help you make meaningful connections and participate equally in the social, economic and cultural life of your new home in Australia.

What support is available for me and my family?
There are lots of things to think about, but there is lots of support at Intereach to help you settle successfully in our community. We can help with:
- Practical information about housing, schools, jobs, banking, health, social security
- Citizenship, form filling, and understanding Australian government and legal systems’
- Accessing culturally appropriate physical and mental health services
- Referrals to services (Centrelink, health, childcare, family support)
- Obtaining a driver’s license
- Support to find classes to strengthen your English language skills
- Assistance to find education and training
- Support at school
- Support to build employment readiness
- Social support groups and community activities
- Youth engagement activities and future planning
- Events, info sessions and groups for all ages